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  • XIEGU X6100 HF transceiver by Ruixue Technology
  • Front view of the XIEGU X6100 HF/50MHz transceiver
  • Close-up of the XIEGU X6100 transceiver's side panel
  • The XIEGU X6100 transceiver connected to an external amplifier and speaker
  • The XIEGU X6100 transceiver package, including the main unit, a handheld microphone, a power adapter, and connecting cables for setup and operation
  • XIEGU X6100 HF transceiver by Ruixue Technology
  • Front view of the XIEGU X6100 HF/50MHz transceiver
  • Close-up of the XIEGU X6100 transceiver's side panel
  • The XIEGU X6100 transceiver connected to an external amplifier and speaker
  • The XIEGU X6100 transceiver package, including the main unit, a handheld microphone, a power adapter, and connecting cables for setup and operation

Xiegu X6100 Radio HF/50Mhz Multiband Portable SDR HF Ham Transceiver Radio Amateur

HF ham radio, HF transceiver

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